Alabama Learning Exchange=ALEX
ALEX is a site from which advisors can gather a variety of information or educational materials for the educators, students, and whoever else would like to obtain this material. It includes everything from lesson plans as well as interactive activities to Web links. It also has a variety of podcasts from which you can look up the arts and sciences to professional development and many more. It also offers and excess amount of information about other educational programs in action in Alabama. I feel like this program well most definitely be and asset to my teaching in the future. I would be able to see how other teachers have their lessons set up and what they do so that we as teachers can get ideas from them so we all can become the best teachers possible. It will surely help new and upcoming teachers that are getting started in a field by giving a basis from which to start teaching from.
Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide= ACCESS
The idea behind the distant learning program is to let students have access to a course from which they may not have a teacher in their school so that they can learn it. Say for instance, a student who is required to take Trigonometry to graduate with honors may not have a Trigonometry teacher at his or her school. This program allows that student to take the class from which isn’t at their school with another teacher who works at another school.
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